Claudia Böhm

As far back as she can remember, Claudia Böhm has always been crazy about dogs, and grew up with two wire-haired dachsunds. Over the years, she has donated to numerous animal welfare organizations and was also active with the "Vier Pfoten" organization.

She became aware of our organization through a colleague, who had adopted a dog via ACA, after which she contacted us. The dedication of our team members inspired her to actively support us by helping with the placement of our Hungarian and Romania rescued dogs into loving, responsible families.

Four years ago Boris, an abandoned Save-Bracke from Croatia, came into her life, and now another four-legged friend has made his way into her heart: 15-year-old Benny from Serbia, who had been classified as un-adoptable but now enjoys his twilight years with Claudia and her dog-afficionado husband.
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