Thank you

Thank you Dr. Andrea Mergl and Kleintierpraxis Pöchlarn.

Dr. Andrea Mergl celebrated Kleintierpraxis Pöchlarn's
( 10thbirthday, and Animal Care Austria was invited!

After an interesting program from presentations about acupuncture and laser therapy, neurological problems of older animals, use of CBD with dogs and cats, and a lecture from parasite expert Priv. Doz. Dr. Michael Leschnik, Animal Care Austria was asked to share their experiences in animal welfare.

At the end of the day, ACA Scholarship winner, Magdalena Hirtl was presented her award certificate. ACA received donations from those who attended the day-long celebration, as well as 530E which will be used to help purchase anti-parasite products for ACA's upcoming CARE DAY.

Congratulations to Dr. Andrea Mergl and your staff on your successful jubilee, for your 10 years of professional and loving care of your patients, and THANK YOU for your support of Animal Care Austria.


Thank you to Allegra Tinnefeld and Julian Walder - project “Helping older Dogs”

Young violin stars play for Carol Byers’ animal welfare project.

Opera singer and animal rights activist Carol Byers invited young and internationally successful music talents to a private benefit concert for her animal welfare association Animal Care Austria (ACA) on her 65th birthday.

The 18-year-old Austrian Julian Walder, who won 1st prize at the New York International Artists Association violin competition in 2018 and was then invited to Carnegie Hall for his debut recital, was featured, as was the 13-year-old Austrian violinist and singer Allegra Tinnefeld, known as the RTL Supertalent finalist, who recently made her debut at the Wiener Konzerthaus. Another debutante was present at the animal welfare concert: Opera singer Kristin Lewis has just returned from her Aida debut at the New York Metropolitan Opera.

As birthday presents for the animal welfare lady and “Kaiserin Elisabeth Animal Welfare Prize” winner Carol Byers, the enthusiastic audience donated generously to Carol’s project “Helping older Dogs”.


Thank You to Navy Officer Sarah Hedge and her US Marine friends!

Project – A Warm Place for Puppies, Cats, and People! The Puppies are Here!

January 2018. Yes, little puppies have moved to our newly renovated attic at the Animal Care Austria supported Ebsegély shelter in Kiskunlacháza, Hungary. Thanks to U.S. Navy (Seabee) officer Sarah Hedge and her U.S. Marine friends, Sergeants Joe Cross, Adam Hadley and Vincent Miller, the work in the attic has progressed enough that our little puppies have a new, warm sleeping place.

The new attic project includes a bathroom/toilet, a room for a caregiver who lives at the shelter, rooms for puppies, and rooms for cats.

There is still more work to do, but Sarah and her volunteers are excited that the warm, sleeping places are in use.

Thank you, Sarah, and thank you to all of your friends who have helped the past 4 months to make this dream come true!

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Students Give 300 €uros to Animal Care Austria!

January 2018. A big Thank You to Sruthi and her friends from classes 7B and 8B at BG/BRG Klosterneuburg.

The teenagers hosted a bake sale at their school in order to make money for Animal Care Austria’s shelter animals.

In January, the students accompanied Animal Care Austria President, Carol Byers, to the Kóborka shelter in Lovasberény, Hungary.

The wonderful day was captured by photographer Adam Artizada ( 

Thank you, Marima, Sandra, Leo, Sruthi, Melissa, and Vijoy! 
Thank you, Adam!


#zeigschnauze lautete die Spendeniniatitive des Tierfutterherstellers PURINA.

5. September 2017. Animal Care Austria wurde von einer Jury ausgewählt und war somit einer der österreichischen Tierschutzvereine, der sehr von dieser großzügigen Futterspende profitieren konnte.

Herzlichen Dank an PURINA und das engagierte PR Team um Stefan Hold für die professionelle Betreuung beim Fotoshooting und dem stimmungsvollen Schlußevent auf der Summerstage.

Alle „Zeig Schnauze" Foto-Uploads gibt es unter oder unter dem Hashtag #zeigschnauze zu bewundern.


Thanks to master painter, Markus Parisot

In the spring of 2017, master painter, Markus Parisot ( and his employees drove to the ACA supported shelter in Lovasberény, Hungary, and with the help of CISCO employees, spent the weekend repairing and painting the main house where Bora Horwath, the head of the shelter, and her many rescues, live.  

Bora was extremely grateful for this big improvement to her home.  

ACA wishes to extend a big THANK YOU to Markus and his team, as well as the CISCO volunteers for their weekend of hard work.  

Bora’s dogs were delighted with the weekend guests, and enjoyed all of the extra attention.


Thank you, Jana! We are proud of our ACA Junior Ambassador.

On January the 30th, 2017, 5 days after the terrible fire at ACA’s Care Station (shelter) in Kiskunlachaza, Hungary  (more details on facebook), Animal Care Austria’s Junior Ambassador, 13 year old Jana and her friends, Emily, Sofi, and Maria, surprised ACA with a check in the amount of 1.000 euros! 

It was amazing that Jana was able to so quickly motivate her friends and classmates to support our shelter animals in this tragic time. 

Before presenting ACA with this amazing donation, Jana made a presentation about how young people can support ACA. 

Time and again, Jana has proven to be a wonderful Ambassador for ACA. Thank you, Jana for your good work and your big heart for animals!


Danke, MERKUR!

Seit dem März 2016 ist MERKUR der Hauptsponsor von Animal Care Austria.

Auf den für die Tierfutterproduktpalette designten Verpackungsmaterialien befindet sich das Animal Care Austria-Logo. Mit jedem verkauften Futterpaket wandert ein Spendencent an die Tiere von Animal Care Austria.

Da diese MERKUR Produkte in ganz Österreich in den Geschäften zu kaufen sind, kamen schon in den ersten Verkaufsmonaten mehr als 10.000 € an Spenden zusammen.

Animal Care Austria bedankt sich im Zuge dessen für diese herausragende Unterstützung. Wenn unsere große Animal Care Austria Familie beim nächsten Einkauf bei MERKUR zu diesem Tierfutter, Leckerlis oder etwa Katzenstreu greift, spendet sie über diesen Weg ebenfalls.


Danke, CISCO!

Seit 2016. Das amerikanische Unternehmen CISCO ist nicht nur ein marktführendes Unternehmen in puncto Kommunikation sondern auch ein Unternehmen, das gemeinnützige Projekte mit großer Verantwortung wahrnimmt und umsetzt.

Wir bedanken uns bei CISCO für ihren Zeitausgleichplan, der es seinen Angestellten ermöglicht, einen gemeinnützige Organisation zu unterstützen und sogar „Geld“ für diese Organisation zu erwirtschaften.
Eine Gruppe von österreichischen CISCO Mitarbeitern, unter der Leitung von Romana DWORAK, wählte Animal Care Austria als ihr gemeinnütziges Herzensprojekt aus.

Wir bedanken uns aus ganzem Herzen sowohl bei den engagierten CISCO Mitarbeitern für ihre praktische Arbeit direkt vor Ort in den ungarischen Tierheimen als auch dem Mutterkonzern CISCO für den finanziellen Support für unsere Tiere.


12 year old Jana did it again!

December 2016. One of Animal Care Austria’s most loyal supporters is 12 year old, Jana. Jana met ACA president and founder, Carol Byers, at a ACA’s summer festival in 2014. She had come to bring toys for our puppies and cats – toys which she had purchased with her own pocket money. Carol immediately invited Jana to participate in an upcoming ACA CARE DAY. She and her father came to the shelter, and since then, Jana has motived her friends and classmates to get involved in animal welfare. Each year, Jana and her friends present a project at her school, and they are always very successful. Their first projected netted 550 euros for ACA.. Their second project gained 510 euros for our shelter animals, and in December, Jana and her friends did it again. Through the sale of self-made lip-scrubs, soaps, snowmen, cookies, and Christmas cards, another 500 euros was transferred to the ACA bank account. At the Animal Care Austria Gala in October, Jana was one of 2 young students to be presented with the ACA Junior Ambassador Award. ACA wants to thank Jana and her friends Maria, Polina, Manvi, and Elsie for their excellent commitment to helping animals.

(Foto: von Links nach Rechts  Manvi, Elsie, and Jana)

(Foto: von Links nach Rechts Manvi, Elsie, and Jana)

(Foto: von Links nach Rechts -  Maria and Polina )

(Foto: von Links nach Rechts - Maria and Polina )


Dankeschön an Maria Haban-Naar und ihre Firma JUWEL

May 2016. A big THANK YOU to the well-known animal lover and Animal Care Austria supporter, Maria Haben-Naar, and her company, JUWEL, for the wonderful gala evening held in the Park Hyatt Hotel on the 19th of May, 2016. The motto for the store’s 90th birthday party which highlighted Animal Care Austria’s shelter projects was, “DOGS and DIAMONDS.” The Tombola proceeds from this evening were used to help with the financing of new roof at our ACA’s CARE STATION in Kiskunlacháza, Hungary.

(Fotos: Carol Byers, Dorian Steidl, Maria Haban-Naar) Foto Credit:  Philipp Enders

(Fotos: Carol Byers, Dorian Steidl, Maria Haban-Naar) Foto Credit: Philipp Enders


Danke an das Dream Team aus der Volksschulklasse 2c

Mai 2016. Ein großes Dankeschön gilt den Schülerinnen und Schülern der 2c, Volksschule Kleine Sperlgasse! Gemeinsam mit ihrer Lehrerin Bianca Baldreich (ein liebes Mitglied von ACA) haben sie ein Tierschutzfest veranstaltet, an dem über 400 Kinder und Eltern teilgenommen haben. Ein Dank gilt hierbei auch der Direktorin Nicolina Bösch. 

Die Kinder der 2c Volksschule Kleine Sperlgasse sind der Beweis dafür, dass Kinder und Tiere wunderbar zusammenpassen. Seit Beginn der ersten Klasse ist Tierschutz ein wichtiges Thema und kommt immer wieder auf unterschiedliche Arten im Unterricht vor. Mit viel Leidenschaft und Engagement erlangten die Schülerinnen und Schüler ein großes Wissen über die Herkunft tierischer Produkte. So können sie zum Beispiel Echt- von Kunstpelz unterscheiden, kennen die Merkmale einer veganen Lebensweise und wissen über Tierversuche im Kosmetikbereich Bescheid.
Der starke, immer wiederkehrende Wunsch der Kinder Tieren etwas Gutes zu tun, mündete in die Idee eines Tierschutzfestes, bei welchem gemeinsam Spenden für Animal Care Austria gesammelt werden sollten. Der Tierschutzgedanke kommt auch immer wieder in den zahlreichen Geschichten der Kinder vor, welche gebündelt und zu einem Tierschutzbuch zusammengefasst wurden.

Die Idee des Tierschutzfestes beweist, dass jeder seinen Beitrag zum Tierschutz leisten kann. Besonders für Kinder beweist diese Erfahrung, dass selbst die Kleinsten mit etwas Unterstützung etwas Großes auf die Beine stellen können und so selbst einen aktiven Beitrag zum Tierschutz leisten können. Ein Zitat des Dalai Lamas fasst dies gut zusammen: „Falls du glaubst, dass du zu klein bist, um etwas zu bewirken, dann versuche erstmal zu schlafen, wenn eine Mücke im Raum ist.“

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Jana, and her friends, Emily and Meadow, raised 510,68 euros for Animal Care Austria’s shelter dogs and cats

December 2015. Dear ACA Friends,
Jana (center), and her friends, Emily and Meadow, raised 510,68 euros for Animal Care Austria’s shelter dogs and cats!

This is not the first time that Jana has helped our Animal Care Austria shelter dogs and cats. Already last year Jana, not only personally visited one of our shelters to help with CARE DAY, she and her school friends, Meadow and Emily, undertook a successful school project for our homeless animals. This year they remembered us again!

ACA wants to thank these adorable young ladies for their love of animals and their initiative to help: The three of you are shining examples of how everyone, no matter how young you are, can actively help making the world better for homeless animals.

THANK YOU, Jana, Emily, and Meadow, for CARING!


A big THANK YOU to JANA (11 years old) and HER FRIENDS!
550 EUROS for our ACA ANIMALS!

February 2015. Last year ACA received a very touching email from 10 year old Jana. She had saved her pocket money to buy toys for our puppies and cats. Jana came to our ACA Summer Festival 2014 with the intention of leaving the toys, but when asked if she would like to join us for our upcoming CARE DAY, and present the gifts to the animals herself, she immediately agreed. Jana and her father joined the ACA Team in Kiskunlachaza where she worked all day helping the animals at our CARE STATION.

Jana again wrote to ACA in Feb. 2015. Here is her email:

Dear Carol Byers,

My name is Jana, I am 11 years old and I really love what you do for all those poor homeless dogs!
At our school, we have a bazaar where you make and create items to sell. Because our school is partners with a school in Waluka in Africa, most money you earn from selling your items goes to this school. But I had so much fun joining your "Care Day" in August, that I wanted to help again! My friends (Lisa, Lua, Amilia and Meadow) and I decided to raise money for you! We managed to get 550 Euro and transferred it to your donation account today.

We hope it will help the dogs in need of care.

Kind regards,

Jana and her friends

What a wonderful, thoughtful thing for these young students to do. Jana, your big love for animals has touched all of us at ACA. Your 550 Euros will be used as you have requested, for saving dogs in Hungary. Thank you, Jana, and thank you to your friends, Lisa, Lua, Amilia and Meadow! We hope you will join us again for CARE DAYS 2015.
Jana at the ACA Care Day 10 August 2014


300 Euros! Many Thanks to Michelle Weinberger and the students
in the Vienna Business School, 1080, Project Group 2BL.

Januar 2015

In the summer of 2014, Michelle Weinberger’s family adopted two Animal Care Austria dogs. As a “thank you” to ACA for these two wonderful dogs, and for ACA’s animal welfare work, Michelle spoke with her teacher and student colleagues about a school project to support ACA. The project “Schenken wir Hunden hoffnungsvolle Stunden” was a big success. (Read more here. PDF German)

Thank you, Michelle, and thank you to your project advisor, Mag. Regina Heidenhofer, and project team: Dominig Hartung, Stefan Bitt, Hans Gössinger, Alexander Bobek, and Karin Fleischhacker. It is truly wonderful when so many young people get involved in “caring.”



1.000 kg DOG FOOD DONATION! Thank you MARKUS PARISOT, Malermeisterbetrieb in Grossrust!

January 2015. What a wonderful idea! Thank you Markus, not only for this trip with the big Christmas food donation and all of the other donations, but also a big thank you for the quarterly trips you make with your van and trailer full of life-saving aid for the animals at our Care Station.

(Markus Parisot's great Idea PDF german)



Animal Pet Food

January 2015. A big THANK YOU goes to Mag. Bernd Berghofer, Eva Magyar, and the entire team at Austria Pet Food for their on-going food donations. Thanks to our ACA on-line food donors, ACA is able to provide every week big quantities of dry food. The Austria Pet Food donations of canned dog and cat food lend an additional help for all of the animals living in our two shelters in Lovasbereny and in Kiskunlachaza. No animal in our care goes hungry! Thank you to Austria Pet Food for your generous and reliable help.

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