
Mischling | Female | born 2016 | bei ACA seit April 2024
Short description

Short description

Race: Mischling
Age: born 2016
Full grown about:
Gender: Female
Character: sehr scheu und ängstlich
Castrated: ja
Chipped: ja
Medical Care: Geimpft, entwurmt und entfloht.
Origin/Careplace: Ungarn / Betreuungsplatz in NÖ
We would like to thank the following donors:

We would like to thank the following donors:

Dani, Irina J., Martina R., Karin R., Eva N., Giovanna B., Sabine, Barbara Sp., Markus Paul T., Helmut und E. L., Jasmin S., Ines F., Denise S., Natascha S., Anonym, Lenz Peter, Irina J. & Franziska G.

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